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When Prophet Joseph ties the knot: iFilm cut

There finally comes the day when Prophet Joseph ties the knot in ‘Prophet Joseph’.

There finally comes the day when Prophet Joseph ties the knot with Asenath in iFilm historical series ‘Prophet Joseph’ to be screened at 23:00 GMT tonight.

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This melodramatic scene features the melancholy of the female lead (Katayoun Riahi) who is deeply in love with her beloved, Prophet Joseph (Mostafa Zamani).

The audiences love the wedding due to the bittersweet feeling it arouses upon seeing the love rival Asenath (played by Elham Hamidi) and Prophet Joseph on the verge of tying the knot while the whole situation drives the lover to the depths of despair.  

Don't miss the upcoming episode of the 45-episode ‘Prophet Joseph’ on iFilm TV tonight to find out. The series, made in 2008, will also be repeated the next day at 05:00, 011:00 and 17:00 (all GMT times).

The series, written and directed by late Iranian director Farajollah Salahshour, is the Iranian version of the very beloved story of Prophet Joseph, the son of Prophet Jacob who guided the Israelites to pray to the One and Only God.

“God annunciates to him about the next prophet, who will be from his own generation. One night, his son, Joseph, dreams about the sun, the moon and eleven stars which kneel in front of him. He tells Jacob, who advises him not to tell his brothers about the dream,” comes as a synopsis of the series by iFilm English website.

Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries, the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages.

Notable on the cast list are Mostafa ZamaniJafar DehqanMahmoud PakniyyatJahanbakhsh SoltaniElham Hamidi, and Rahim Norouzi.

