The series, produced by Reza Ansariyan and directed by Mehdi Fakhimzadeh, is a social-police drama on a group of criminals who get involved in a murder case.
‘Building No. 85’ revolves around a notorious group of criminals living in the building.
They all find themselves in danger when a skeleton is found inside the wall of the parking lot.
The investigator and residents of the building are constantly baffled as a mystery unfolds.
The series cast list includes Ammar Tafti, Mahmoud Pakniyyat, Nafiseh Roshan, Roya Nonahali, Leila Barkhordari, and the director.
‘Building No. 85’ made in 2008, is scheduled to be a replacement for ‘Leaded Stars’ which will be aired daily at 21:00 GMT.
iFilm English TV will also repeat each episode of the series the next day at 02:00, 06:00, 13:00. It is comprised of 27 episodes.