فارسی عربي

Wisdom always paves way for future in ‘Prophet Joseph’

Wisdom always the paves the way for the future in iFilm’s historical series ‘Prophet Joseph’.

Wisdom always paves the way for the future in iFilm English TV Channel’s historical series ‘Prophet Joseph’.

Wisdom plays a vital role in anticipating and preparing for future events, especially in the face of an imminent widespread famine.

Joseph knows about the high priest of Egypt’s infested wheat and reveals a secret that he had kept to himself for five years.

His secret is storing wheat and stems; the wheat for the people and the stems for the animals.

Don't miss the thirty first episode of the 45-part series on iFilm TV tonight at 23:00 GMT and you can watch it now via the channel’s website.

Made by Farajollah Salahshour, the series is the Iranian version of the very beloved story of Prophet Joseph, the son of Prophet Jacob who guided the Israelites to pray to the One and Only God.

“God annunciates to him about the next prophet, who will be from his own generation. One night, his son, Joseph, dreams about the sun, the moon and eleven stars which kneel in front of him. He tells Jacob, who advises him not to tell his brothers about the dream,” a synopsis of the series by iFilm English website reads.

Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries, the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages.

The cast list includes Mostafa Zamani, Jafar Dehqan, Mahmoud Pakniyyat, Jahanbakhsh Soltani, Elham Hamidi, and Rahim Norouzi.
