فارسی عربي

Mohammad uncovers malicious US goals in ‘Gando 1’

Mohammad uncovers malicious US goals in Iran in the ninth episode of ‘Gando 1’.


Mohammad uncovers malicious US goals in Iran in the ninth episode of iFilm English TV Channel’s ‘Gando 1.

Things are heating up as Mohammad unveils critical details about the nuclear-livelihood strategy of the US and European countries toward Iran.

With razor-sharp precision, he highlights the intricacies of international policies, hidden motives, and their potential impact on the country.

Don’t miss the upcoming episode of the series tonight at 19:00 GMT.

Each episode of the 30-part series is also repeated the next day at 03:00, 08:00, and 14:00.

Produced by Mojtaba Amini and directed by Javad Afshar, the series follows the Iranian intelligence agency when it discovers a large spy ring operating in the country.

Then a cat and mouse game ensues between Mohammad, the agent in charge of the case, and Michael, one of America’s key spies in Iran.

The cast list of the series includes Vahid Rahbani, Pendar AkbariLeila OtadiSara KhoueenihaPayam DehkordiAliram NouraeeKambiz DirbazMohammad-Reza SharifiniaFarhad Qaemian, and Daryoush Farhang.
