فارسی عربي

‘Gando 2’ exposes hidden war on society

In tonight’s episode of ‘Gando 2’, the stakes are higher than ever.


In tonight’s episode of ‘Gando 2’, the stakes are higher than ever, but this time, it’s not just about political agendas.

As we dive deeper into the cold war, we see how spies are also focused on the social fabric of society.

They aren’t just dealing with international matters—they are actively holding workshops, spreading messages about disregarding the concept of family and marriage.

In a world where the battle isn’t always seen, these quiet movements are just as powerful.

Gando 2’, directed by Javad Afshar, delves deeper into intelligence operations, shifting its focus to the role of the British Embassy in Iran and its involvement in critical issues such as currency fluctuation.

Following the success of ‘Gando 1’, which depicted Iranian intelligence uncovering an extensive spy network, this sequel explores heightened suspense and complex investigations.

‘Gando 2’, created in 2021, will air daily at 19:00 GMT.

Each episode will be rebroadcast at 03:00, 08:00, and 14:00 GMT the following day.

The 30-episode series features a prominent cast, including Vahid Rahbani, Pendar AkbariShahed AhmadlouPayam DehkordiShahram QaediShahrzad KamalzadehDaryoush Farhang, and Sara Monjezi.
