فارسی عربي

The Envoy

Atiqur Rahman

Assalamualykom, I want to Historical Movies Trailer to upload My Youtube Channel (English,Arabic,Frisian) from Bangladesh


The Envoy


After the Umayyad Dynasty Caliph Muawiyah died, his son Yazid wrote a letter to the governor of Medina and ordered him to summon Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and make him swear allegiance, but the Imam refused to do so. Many people wrote letters to Imam Hussein and asked him to become their leader. Imam Hussein sent an envoy to Basra and another one to Kufa to rise up against oppression. Suleiman, who was one of the Imam’s trustees, was his envoy to Basra.


The Envoy

After the Umayyad Dynasty Caliph Muawiyah died, his son Yazid wrote a letter to the governor of Medina and ordered him to summon Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and make him swear allegiance, but the Imam refused to do so. Many people wrote letters to Imam Hussein and asked him to become their leader. Imam Hussein sent an envoy to Basra and another one to Kufa to rise up against oppression. Suleiman, who was one of the Imam’s trustees, was his envoy to Basra.

2020-8-27 3733