The comedy, produced by Mohammadreza Takhtkeshian and directed by Hamidreza Salahmand, is to replace popular series ‘Next Door Neighbors 2’ on 19:00 GMT.
‘The Children Are Watching’ is a sitcom about a renowned wrestler man named Taher and his family, including his four daughters and their spouses, who are all living in the same building block.
It all begins when Taher rents their rooftop to two single male students while his opposing daughters seek help from their aunt who has a rocky relationship with her brother, Taher.
The series highlights the similarities and differences among the younger (children) and older (parents) generations on the one hand, and the ups and downs of relations between men and women on the other hand and how it all influences a family.
The series cast list includes Gohar Kheirandish, Atila Pesyani, Shabnam Moghaddami, Siamak Safari and Hedayat Hashemi.
ifilm English will also repeat each episode of the series the next day at 03:00, 08:00, 14:00 all GMT times. It is comprised of 15 episodes.