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Spy/thriller series ‘Gando 1’ to make a return on iFilm Arabic

iFilm’s all-time favorite spy/thriller TV series, ‘Gando 1’, is to make a return on air, this time on iFilm Arabic TV Channel.

iFilm’s all-time favorite spy/thriller TV series, ‘Gando 1’, is to make a return on air, this time on iFilm Arabic TV Channel.

Since Javad Afshar’s popular series has been off the air, countless requests have been received on the channel’s social media platforms asking for the show to be televised once again.

There is now the chance for Arabic speaking iFilmers to watch ‘Gando 1’ on air from Monday, August 14 at 17:00 GMT. Find the related frequencies for iFilm Arabic here.

Each episode of the socio-political spy thriller will be repeated three times the next day following its original screening at 23:00, 05:00 and 11:00 (all GMT times).

The name of the series is derived from Gando also known as mugger or marsh crocodile that is the only species of this animal native to Iran. This predator that mainly feeds on fish, mammals, reptiles, and birds can be in the hiding to prey for long times. This is the characteristic they share with spies and intelligence agents.

Arash Qaderi, the script writer of the show claims the series is based on a true story with fictional elements used for the sake of the flow of its narrative.

The shooting locations for the 30-episode series have been in Tehran (Iran), Istanbul (Turkey) and China.

A brief synopsis for the series reads, “When the Iranian intelligence agency discovers a large spy ring operating in the country, a cat and mouse game ensues between Mohammad, the agent in charge of the case, and Michael, one of America’s most important spies”.

Pendar AkbariLeila OtadiSara KhoueenihaPayam DehkordiAliram NouraeeKambiz DirbazMohammad-Reza SharifiniaFarhad Qaemian and Daryoush Farhang comprise the cast list of the flick.

