The final episode of the series, produced by Hassan Roustaee and directed by Majid Salehi, will be aired on February 26, 2024, at 18:00 GMT.
‘3×4’ is a hilarious comedy series which tells the story of Rahman and Siroos, two brothers-in-law who decide to open a cleaning services company to make ends meet and pay for their children’s university tuition.
As they do not know much about the job, soon they find themselves caught in various problems, some of which are a bit impossible to solve.
The cast list of the series includes Anahita Afshar, Mohammad Kasbi, Mehran Rajabi, Shahram Qaedi, Ali Sadeqi, Maryam Soltani, Shohreh Lorestai, Nadia Deldar-Golchin, and the director.
‘3×4’, produced in 2007, will be replaced by ‘The Graduates’ directed by Soroush Sehhat.