Directed by Mohammad-Hossein Latifi and written by Kazem Balouchi, the movie tells the heartbreaking story of a man who has to leave behind the only thing he has in this world—his daughter.
Esmaeel, a veteran of the Iraq-Iran war, is battling cancer. When he goes to Paris for treatment, he meets people who help him cope with the nightmare of saying goodbye to Yalda.
The main cast members of the flick are Shiva Khosromehr, Mehrdad Ziaee, Hossein Yari, Yeganeh Balouchi, Jamshid Shah-Mohammadi, and the screenwriter of the filck.
‘Paris to Paris’, first released in 2010, is scheduled to go on air at 22:00 GMT.
iFilm English TV also repeats the movie the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 16:00.