The movie, directed by Sirous Moqaddam, narrates the life story of a hardworking and faithful young man named Yahya. He is trusted by the public in the fruit market and works as an accountant for Haj Zia.
He who won the Hajj trip in the bank lottery, takes care of his old mother with love in addition to his chores.
Winning the pilgrimage puts him in a strange position. He cannot leave his old mother alone, but the mother asks him to go on this spiritual journey.
The cast list includes Arash Majidi, Abbas Ghazali, Qorban Najafi, Houshang Tavakkoli, and Mahsa Keramati.
‘The Day After Happiness’, made in 2008, is scheduled to go on air at 22:00 GMT.
iFilm English TV also repeats the movie the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 16:00.