Airing of the series, produced by Qasem Jafari and co-directed by Javad Afshar and Seyyed-Jalaleddin Dorri, is to start on Saturday night.
In this series, Daryoush and Shiva are a young couple who manage a clothing company.
When the company is on the edge of bankruptcy, Shiva asks a relative named Kiani for financial support.
They borrow some money from him, but working with Kiani leads them the wrong path.
The most notable on the cast list are Farhad Jam, Khatereh Hatami, Aliram Nouraee, Reza Rouygari, Ziba Boroufeh, Anahita Nemati, Qolam-Hossein Lotfi, Javad Hashemi, Sharareh Rokham, Fatemeh Taheri, Hassan Asadi, Bahman Dan, and Nafiseh Roshan.
‘Dirty Money’, produced in 2006, is to replace the series ‘Hodhod Bookstore’ to be broadcast at 21:00 GMT.
iFilm English TV will also repeat each episode of the series the following day at 02:00, 06:00, 13:00. It is comprised of 26 episodes.