Mir-Taher Mazloumi
Mir-Taher Mazloumi
Mazloumi, Mir-Taher (born 1974, Tehran)
Mir-Taher Mazloumi studied theater at university while simultaneously taking acting classes.
Immediately after graduation, he stepped on stage in pursuit of an acting career. He made his film debut in 2001.
Throughout his years of acting, he has taken roles in several series, such as ‘House of Outsiders’ (2008), ‘A Cage for Flying’ (2010), ‘A Girl Named Ahoo’ (2011) and ‘Suitcase’ (2012).
Among his films include ‘In the Name of Father’ (2005), ‘Heartbroken’ (2008), ‘The Outcasts 2’ (2008) and ‘Network’ (2010).
Mazloumi is also a well-known voice actor who has participated in several radio plays. He has also worked as a dubber, lending his voice to characters in prominent movies.