The Independent Animation Festival's director Moein Samadi has announced the nominees for the event's tenth annual awards ceremony.
According to Samadi, the nominees are as follows:
Best Short Film: 'Alphabet' directed by Kianoush Abedi, 'Icky' directed by Parastoo Cardgar, 'Run Rostam Run' directed by Hossein Molayemi, 'The Fox' directed by Sadeq Javadi-Nikjeh, 'The Sixth String' directed by Bahram Azimi, 'The Fearful Night of Lomo' directed by Sareh Shafieepour, and 'Wolf and the Herd' by Amir Houshang Moein.
Best Series of the Year: 'Ruby and the Chickens: Passenger from Space', 'OBC #6', and 'Didi & Boodi: A Cloudy Day'.
Best Director: 'Icky' directed by Parastoo Cardgar, 'Run Rostam Run' directed by Hossein Molayemi, and 'The Fox' directed by Sadeq Javadi-Nikjeh.
Best Storytelling: 'Icky', 'The Wolf', 'Stairway', 'Hunger', 'Chimney Man', 'The Fearful Night of Lomo', 'Bluelooa', and 'Ruby and the Chickens'.
Best Sound: 'Stairway', 'Hide and Seek', 'Hunger', and 'Wolf and the Herd'.
Best Music: 'The Wolf', 'Hide and Seek', 'The Sixth String', 'Wolf and the Herd', and 'Didi & Boodi: A Cloudy Day'.
The annual Independent Animation Festival is organized by the Animated Filmmakers Guild of Iran which will be held on Sunday November 25th, 2018 in Tehran.