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ifilm exclusive interview with Laleh Sabouri

In an exclusive interview with ifilm, Laleh Sabouri has talked about the reasons behind her success as a long-lasting actress.

ifilm Persian has conducted an interview with Sabouri in Persian. Below are the highlights of the talk with the famed actress.

ifilm: So far, most of the roles that you have played revolve around the genre of comedy. Has it been based on personal interest or suggestions by the directors and filmmakers motivated you to choose this genre?

Laleh Sabouri: To answer to this question I have to say that both factors must be taken into consideration. Form the view point of personality as well as personal interest I am highly energetic and very active person. Besides, the roles that have been suggested to me are mostly in the genre of comedy which needs an energetic person who makes a lot of noise. Therefore, both factors have been influential in directing me toward choosing and acting in comedy films.

ifilm:  Among the roles that you have played so far which one do you think has helped you to reach a milestone in your career as an actress?

Laleh Sabouri: You are asking a difficult question. In fact, I reached a milestone exactly from the outset of my acting career. For many actors it takes time to get to top point but I had the chance to begin from the top point. In 1998 I became the most famous actress in the Iranian TV within two or three days. Since then, there might be some important roles that I have played but for me the first stage of massive development happened on the first days that I appeared on TV.

ifilm: You are known as an actress for different generations and we want to know the reason behind it. What has made a long-lasting actress out of you?

Laleh Sabouri: Although I earned income from acting, I did my best not to accept whatever is suggested to me as a role to play. During all these years, I neither spent myself in terms of work nor in terms of social status to attend every ceremony that I was invited to. These days most actors and actresses attend all the inauguration ceremonies and other ceremonies which they are invited to. In addition to this they attend the shooting stages of so many series to play their roles. I do not reject this fact but it is more like inviting someone to have dinner in one ceremony every night. You may be served well once but gradually you would be ignored soon. Since I did not want to be treated like this I decided not to spend myself at every occasion.

ifilm: In addition to acting and scriptwriting, sometimes you appear as the director of some projects. Which one is your priority? Among acting, Scriptwriting, and directing which one nourishes your sole more?

Laleh Sabouri: Since I do not look into details so much I try to look at these three domains in general sense. I am an idealist and put all my efforts to choose good works. If I say that I like acting more, there might be a project in which acting does not have any positive points and does not please a professional actor or actress. My priority is performing well in professional projects with professional people. I am ready to work in all the fields which are related to my specialty. I do not like to work in shallow projects or the projects which are far from professionalism.


