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فارسی عربي


World oldest rock drawings found in Iran

An Iranian archaeologist has succeeded in deciphering ancient rock art in locations around Iran’s hills and deserts.

After years of nearly single-handedly spending time in locations across Iran, Iranian archaeologist Mohammed Naserifar revealed dozens of images of ancient hunters, tribal dances, deities and beasts that belong to thousands of years ago.

Some of the markings, such as a line of cup marks that may have been used in religious ceremonies, could be as much as 40,000 years old, experts said.

Dutch enthusiasts visited the Khomein hills in central Iran with Naserifard and dated the cup marks among the oldest rock art on the planet.

“We were on a picnic and all my friends were taking an afternoon nap. I went wandering and observing the rocks in the valley and I found a rock full of shapes,” Naserifard said, adding, “I was so excited! Finding these works was like finding a treasure.”

The engravings could even date back to when humans made their first forays out of Africa, said Genevieve von Petzinger, a Canadian cave art expert and author of ‘The First Signs: Unlocking the Mysteries of the World’s Oldest Symbols’.

“His work is really important; there have been these blank spots on the map that we are finally starting to fill in,” said von Petzinger.

Naserifard’s discoveries support the growing evidence that humans may have started to develop a common art tradition before leaving Africa, which might explain why the same themes and shapes have turned up in sites as far away as California, Spain and South Africa.

“Iran could be a really important part of the puzzle. It is a very strategic location, humans migrated through there heading both east and west,” von Petzinger concluded.

The Khomein hills were a once-fertile riverside spot that supported sizeable settlements, but now exhibit typical specimens of rock art comparable to locations around the world.

