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فارسی عربي


Iranian shorts win in Italy

Directed by Mohammad Bakhshi, ‘Are You Volleyball?!’ has received the Best Editing award at May 2019 edition of the International Starshine Film Festival in Italy.

The short features a group of Arabic-speaking asylum seekers who try to make their way to the border in an English speaking country.

They get into a conflict with border guards every day up until a deaf-mute child becomes a catalyst for better communication between the two sides.

‘Are You Volleyball?!’ has attended several global events, including the Kinolub International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Poland, the FICTS - Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs in France, the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia in Japan, the Children’s Right International Film Festival in Turkey and the Hong Kong International Film Festival.

Three other shorts including ‘Till the Following Morning’ by Makan Mansourian, ‘Freeze’ by Amir Roueeni and ‘Raheel’ by Ayat Asadi-Rahbar also garnered awards at the Starshine.

The Starshine which is an online monthly film festival aims to promote films, helping filmmakers to improve their careers. The fest accepts story-based films in the form of narrative (fiction), documentary (non-fiction), or animation.

Read more:

‘Are You Volleyball?!’ the most honored Iranian short

'Are You Volleyball?!' wins Golden Dragon at Cardiff festival

