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Germany to host ‘Tehran: City of Love’

Iranian director Ali Jaber-Ansari’s ‘Tehran: City of Love’ has been set to participate at the 37th edition of the Munich International Film Festival in Germany.

‘Tehran: City of Love’ will take part in the International Independents section of the German festival.

The film narrates the story of three lonely people who are in search of warmth and connection in the megacity of Tehran.

‘Tehran: City of Love’ won the Young Jury Award at the 23rd Sofia International Film Festival in Bulgaria.

The film also brought Iranian actress Forough Qajabagli the Best Actress award at the 9th Beijing International Film Festival in China.

The Munich International Film Festival is “one of Europe's biggest summer film festivals”, the event’s website reads.

The 37th edition of the event will kick off on June 27, 2019 and last until July 6.

