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‘Setayesh’ series vocalist sings for Muharram

Vocalist performing the credits song for ifilm hit series ‘Setayesh’ has released track themed on Muharram.

Amir-Abbas Golab sang a new piece titled ‘Farewell’ in commemoration of the Islamic lunar month of Muharram.

The song memorializes Imam Hussein (AS) who was martyred in the Karbala battle.

Below is the translated lyrics to this song:

I separated my soul from body,

To fit your soul into my body

I can do the impossible 

If it is for your own sake

When my heart broke loose

I forgot anything but you!

When I lived by you

I forgot how to live

I bid farewell to the world upon your departure

No lump can beat my plead

Sleep and the desire to eat flew away from my day and night

Upon your departure, I cannot think of anything

