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فارسی عربي


‘Prophet Joseph’ talks about love query

In the memorable ifilm series ‘Prophet Joseph’, this is how Youzarsif responds to a question on love.

Zuleikha (played by Katayoun Riahi) asked, “Have you ever been in love?”. Yet the prophet’s (played by Mostafa Zamani) reaction was not favorable to her or at least that was not what she expected.

Prophet Jacob guides the Israelites to pray to the One and Only God. God annunciates to him about the next prophet, who will be from his own generation. One night, his son, Joseph, dreams about the sun, the moon and eleven stars which kneel in front of him.

He tells Jacob, who advises him not to tell his brothers about the dream. Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries, the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.

