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Children & Youth Festival Closing Ceremony

iFilm’s exclusive report on the closing ceremony of Children & Youth Festival held in the Iranian city of Hamedan.

Below is a transcription of the report's highlights.

iFilm: It is the closing ceremony of the 23rd International Children and Youth Theater Festival. Like always, the closing ceremony is extremely exciting. Everybody is waiting for the results.

Ali Moradkhani, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance: I am very happy that we held a very good festival. Good things have happened during the past 23 years. I think the festival has made great progress due to the presence of artists and experts and also artists which have been invited from other countries.

Mehdi Shafiee, head of Center of Performance Art: One of the features of this festival was its expert look at the audience. The festival has three expert sections: children’s theater, theater for minors and theater for youngsters.

iFilm: The winners of the 23rd International Children and Youth Theater Festival:

In the street theater segment, Mohaddese Farhadi was praised for her performance in ‘Surprise’. Anali Shakoori won the best actress award in this segment.

Best acting in the street theater segment; Mehdi Habibi was praised for his performance in ‘Surprise’.

Behdad Balighfar won the best director award in the street theater segment for ‘This Much Me’.

Meysam Sarabadani won the best actor award in the street theater segment for ‘The Witch of the City of Garbage’.

The winners for the best actor award, an honorary diploma and the festival’s statuette were Mohammad Rashno, Ali Barangi, Nima Noroozi, and Alireza Chegini respectively for ‘Aftershock’.

Mohammad Esmaeelzadeh, the director of ‘Aftershock’, won the festival’s special award and the festival’s statuette and an honorary diploma.

