Airing of the series, produced by Asghar Zaeri and directed by Fayyaz Mousavi, is to be started on January 5, 2020.
‘Truth Revealed’ revolves around a confused father and factory owner, who surprises his family by saying he had another wife once upon a time. Now he is willing to find her.
His brother insists that he is deranged, as does his son, but his daughter is not so sure. The events that take place reveal the truth behind a man’s obsession.
Among the cast list are Reza Tavakkoli, Mehran Ahmadi, Zohreh Hamidi, Behzad Khodaveisi, Leila Otadi, Maryam Boubani, Hormoz Hedayat, Mina Norouzifar, Ramin Rastad, Ghazal Saremi, Fariba Motekhasses, and Ali Nasiriyan.
‘Truth Revealed’, produced in 2004, is to replace the series ‘And God Created Love’ to be broadcast at 23:00 GMT.
ifilm English will also repeat each episode of the series the following day at 05:00, 11:00 and 17:00. ‘Truth Revealed’ is comprised of 22 segments.