فارسی عربي


‘Special Tehran tours for FIFF guests’

Special sightseeing tours will be offered for guests of this year’s Fajr International Film Festival (FIFF) in the Iranian capital, Tehran, an official says.

There will be 30 night-walking and 10 day-walking tours for FIFF guests to see natural places, historical sites and culture of the people in Tehran, the 35th Fajr International Film Festival’s program manager, Mohammad Salavatifard, said.

Galleries, theaters, universities, art centers and tourism sites will be on the list of places that guests will visit during their stay in the capital, in addition to appearing at film screenings.

“Three hotels will accommodate over 350 international guests from 66 countries. There will be 150 volunteers to accompany them during the annual event. The guests will have access to information about all sightseeing tours and they will be able to choose which one to take,” Salavatifard added.

The guests will come from 31 Asian, 23 European and 6 African countries, with at least 5 special guests from the American continent and Australia. Moreover, celebrities from 24 Muslim nations will visit the Iranian capital as well.

The guests come in different groups, mainly A-list directors, screenwriters, actors, special effects gurus, producers, festival managers, film buyers and film distributors.

The 35th edition of the Fajr International Film Festival will take place at the Charsou Cineplex in Tehran from April 21-28.

