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فارسی عربي


Canada to screen Iran’s ‘Short Wave’

The Iranian Cinematheque of Didar in Toronto has selected the short film ‘Short Wave’ for screening during a program named “Screening of Tirgan”.

Written and directed by Mohammad Esmaeeli, the film is adapted from a story written by Gholam-Hossein Saedi.

It tells the story of a man who is struggling with the annoying sound of his environment and shows his attempts to silence them.

The short title has received the Best Experimental/Art Film award at the 15th Annual West Chester International Short Film Festival in the US and a Special Mention at the 5th Alexandria Short Film Festival in Greece.

The Iranian Cinematheque of Didar screenings will be followed by Q&A sessions, attended by the film crews, on February 21.

Read more:

New Zealanders to watch ‘Short Wave’

Iranian short ‘Bitter Sea’ to go on screen in Toronto

Iranian short to go on screen at Australian fest

Iran’s film ‘Short Wave’ bags 2 awards in Europe

US film festival awards Iran’s ‘Short Wave’

