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True/False to screen ‘Sunless Shadows’

The 17th edition of the True/False Film Fest in the US has scheduled to screen Iranian documentary ‘Sunless Shadows’.

Made by Mehrdad Oskouee and to go on the True/False screens on March 6, 7, and 8, the documentary narrates the story of five young women who are jailed in a small juvenile detention center for murder.

Through breathtaking monologues, the women clarify the circumstances of the murders and even their motives.

‘Sunless Shadows’ was named as the Opening Film of the 2019 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam in the Netherlands which was the film’s first international appearance and won the festival's best director award.

The 74-minute documentary has also gone on screen at some global events, including the 60th Krakow Film Festival in Poland, the 19th DocPoint - Helsinki Documentary Film Festival in Finland, the 17th Big Sky doc filmfest and the Museum of Modern Art in New York in the US.

The True/False Film Fest is an annual documentary film festival founded in 2004.

The festival offers a heightened four-day weekend of creative place-making in which filmmakers, artists, musicians and others remake the mid-sized college town of Columbia, Missouri into a one-of-a-kind utopia, according to the event's organizers.

