Directed and penned by Hamed Tehrani, ‘Diapason’ is about a 50-year-old single working mom named Ranaa who is living happily with her daughter Hoda until the daughter dies in an accident.
It was filmed in Tehran and popular Iranian actress Zhaleh Sameti has played the main role of the film.
Behnoush Bakhtiyari, Alireza Ostadi, Mehdi Hosseininia and Hossein Tehrani are also among the cast of the film.
Bengaluru fest allows cineastes to showcase their films and to exchange experiences during the event.
The fest is scheduled for February 26- March 4, 2020.
Read more:
Iran’s ‘Diapason’ to compete in India
Iranian movie ‘Diapason’ unveils int’l poster
Iranian ‘Diapason’ to vie in Poland