Directed by Hadi and Mehdi Zarei, the documentary narrates the story of an Afghan girl who escapes home and takes refuge in a welfare organization.
A synopsis for the film reads “a 14-year-old Afghan girl named Khatemeh, living in Iran with her family, was forced to get married to her late sister’s husband who died committing suicide. After a while, she escaped from home due to her husband and her brother’s torture and beating. She became a refugee to the welfare organization of Shiraz. This is her compelling story.”
Zareis’ work won the awards for Best Director for Full-length Documentary and Best Editing at the 12th edition of the Cinema Vérité, Iran’s International Documentary Film Festival.
The AmDocs is a forum to promote the documentary film and independent filmmakers.
The fest celebrates the works that bring knowledge and awareness through their real stories.
The event is slated for March 27-31 and the Iranian documentary will go on the screen on March 28.
Read more:
Iranian doc ‘Khatemeh’ to vie at Florence Film Awards