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Listen to memorable opening music

ifilm website publishes memorable music by Iranian composer Bahram Dehqanyar, sound-tracking opening credits of ‘The Patriarch’ series.

The music for the opening credits was greatly successful to the extent that for many just hearing the melody conjures up the series.   

 Besides ‘The Patriarch’, the composer has made a great deal of scores for series such as ‘Hod-Hod Bookstore’ and ‘The Man with a Thousand Faces’.

The series is about a traditional family man who controls his household with an iron fist. Nobody dares challenge him or talk back. He doesn't let any of his children out of his sight, even after they're married and have their own kids. They're all one big family and all his sons are living in his house with their wives and children.

Now it's time for his youngest son to get married, but there's just one problem. His bride doesn't want to live in Assadollah's house, and she refuses to let the old man or anyone else tell her what to do.

