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Italian festival honors Iranian old man

Directed by Mostafa Rostampour, Iranian short ‘Old Man’s Heavy Sleep’ has garnered the Best Cinematography Award at the 2020 edition of Italian Film Days festival.

Rostampour’s 15-minute work is about a modern family who is dominated by loneliness.

The short title narrates the story of an old man whose children left him. The man feels lonely and can’t tolerate the situation.

He desires death because of this deadly loneliness.

‘Old Man’s Heavy Sleep’ won the award at the February competition of the Italian event.

The short title has previously participated at a number of international festivals, including the Lift-off Film Festival in the UK, the Media View International Film Festival in Hungary, the First-time Filmmaker Sessions in the UK and the Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival in South Korea.

The Italian Film Days festival aims to showcase films from around the world.

The Embassy of Italy will host the final edition of the annual event which is scheduled for September 19, 2020, in Nicosia.

