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US awards Iran feature

The Accolade Global Film Festival in the US has awarded Iranian feature film ‘Mastermind’.

Directed by Azita Mougouee, the feature has won a special mention at the 17th edition of the American film event.

A brief synopsis for the flick reads, “Iran and Spain have agreed to launch a big project in the island of Hendurabi in south of Iran.

Many companies and people have participated in the tender offer with the aim of winning it and gaining big sum of easy money out of such cushy business.”

Merila Zarei, Pejman Jamshidi, Bahram Radan, Hanieh Tavassoli, and Mehrdad Seddiqian have starred in the film.

‘Mastermind’ has had diverse shooting locations and some of the scenes have been filmed overseas in Canada, Cypress and Spain.

Established in 2003, the Accolade Global Film Competition is an avant-garde worldwide competition that strives to give talented directors, producers, actors, creative teams and new media creators the positive exposure they deserve.

It discovers and honors the achievements of filmmakers who produce high quality shorts and new media. The Accolade promotes award winners through press releases to over 40,000 filmmakers, industry contacts and additional international media/distribution outlets.

The event held on March 24 online.


