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Iranian actors in fight with with COVID-19

ifilm English has reported on Iranian actors who have contracted coronavirus and recovered from the deadly disease.

Among the Iranian actors who have been tested positive with the novel coronavirus, ifilmers already know ifilm star of ‘Mom’s Guests’, Golab Adineh and Behrouz Baqaee.

Golab Adineh and her actor daughter Noura Hashemi have disclosed to the media that early last month, they had some few sneezes followed by the loss of smell. They were then tested and it turned out they had the disease. The mother and daughter have now recuperated and advise people to stay safe.

Actor in ‘Mirza Koochak Khan’, Behrouz Baqaee, has also been cured from the disease and the virus is out of his system now. He, however, picks to continue his self-quarantine to help stop the spread of the virus, a media reports.

Hamed Hayedi is another Iranian actor who has been diagnosed with the coronavirus.

ifilm wishes all the ailing actors and also the rest of the people who have come down with the COVID-19 will get better soon.

