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ifilm interviews weekend flick lead

In an ifilm exclusive report, director and teenage lead of last weekend’s movie talk on '21 Days Later’.

Director Mohammad Reza Kheradmandan said to ifilm of his award-winning movie that his film follows a teenager who has a great goal and wants to be a filmmaker. “

Teenage lead of the flick also said to ifilm, “I play the role of Morteza. A character who desires to be a filmmaker, he is a very serious person and likes to buy his mother’s medication.”

The director also said of the teenage character, “He has to pursue his goal despite all challenges he faces.”

Iranian film '21 Days Later' has been honored at the 25th edition of the Kinder Kino Film Festival (KiKiFe) in Germany.

ifilm aired the acclaimed movie ‘21 Days Later’ on Saturday night.

‘21 Days Later' tells the sad story of a teenager who does everything he can to come up with the money his mother needs for her medication. When he finally succeeds in coming up with the money, he suddenly realizes that all the hardship he went through to get that money was only the beginning.

Read more:

Mother, cancer, cinema: ifilm weekend pick

