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Iran animation to vie in Serbia

Iranian short animation ‘This Side, Other Side’ has been selected to attend the International Festival of Animated Film “Constantine’s gold Coin” in Serbia.

Directed by Lida Fazli, the war-themed short will be in contention at the eighth edition of the Serbian film event.

The short shows how the children of two opposite sides of a border cherish each other’s company, regardless of the fact that, their countries are burning in the fire of a war that the adults have brought upon them.

Fazli has told ifilm in an exclusive talk that she has made the short to convey the message that no border can limit friendship and love. She emphasized the fact that the love and kinship that exists between kids is so pure and innocent that nothing can destroy it even the dark shadow of a war.

‘This Side, Other Side’ has already participated in a number of international film events, including the Animage International film festival in Brazil, the Smile International Film Festival for Children & Youth in India, the ifva Awards in China and the Termeh Iranian Cultural Festival in Germany.

Established in 2013, the International Animated Film Festival “Constantine’s gold Coin” is organized to promote cultural creativity of national and foreign authors.

The year edition of the fest is slated for 20-24 July, 2020.

