Written and directed by Mohammadreza Misaqi, the short has attended several international events before, including Jharkhand International Film Festival in India, Realtime Film Festival in Africa, BUEIFF Channel Film Festival in Argentina.
The only actor in the short film is Nabi Mohammadi.
The film crew is made of cameraman Keyvan Shabani, photographer Mehrdad Misaqi, sound recordist Mobin Salempour, director advisor Mohammad Safa and editor/ vocalist Mohammad Yousefi.
Misaqi is a young filmmaker who has directed several short films such as ‘This Is not a Game’ and ‘Silence’.
The international platform of IIUSFF is dedicated to young filmmakers who want to showcase their works.
The event aims to promote the work of university-going filmmakers.
Organized by Dhaka University Film Society, the IIUSFF will take place on June 19-20, 2020.