Directed by Kazem Mollaee, the movie narrates the story of a 40-year-old woman who, right before her second marriage, faces a strange incident.
Vishka Asayesh, Hassan Majouni, Mehraveh Sharifinia, Behnoush Bakhtiyari, Reza Behboudi, Mehdi Hosseininia, Siavash Cheraghipour, Mahmoud Nazarian, Hamid-Reza Mohammadi, Mohammad-Amin Asadi, Yadollha Shadmani, Neda Dehshiri and Gohar Kheirandish are on the movie’s cast list.
This is the first international presence of ‘The Badger’ and it is the only representative of Iran at the Chinese event.
Established in 1993, the SIFF witnessed the development of Chinese film.
The event focuses on the markets, forums and film exhibitions to build an international platform.
The festival was previously scheduled for June 2020, but it was postponed due to coronavirus outbreak.
The event’s new date is set for July 18-27.