Directed by Mahdieh-Sadat Ahmadi-Soleimani, the animation narrates the story of a girl who is struggling with the problems of her time.
At the end, she surrenders herself to the birds that she has painted.
Ahmadi-Soleimani’s animation has been recently nominated for Special Award at the 23rd Religion Today Film Festival in Italy.
The animation has been named among the silver winners in the Best Short – Animation at the 3rd quarter of the 2020 season of the Queen Palm International Film Festival in the US.
The Dytiatko festival is a holiday for children’s art and has over 100 participants that include international studios and directors.
The event includes master classes, trainings, presentations, etc.
The festival is a unique opportunity to promote the works of creative children.
The ninth edition of the event will be held on September 2-5, 2020.
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Another Venezuelan festival to screen ‘I’m not Alice’
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