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فارسی عربي


Persian proverbs mirror Iranian culture

Proverbs are an important part of any language. They are the extract of people’s experiences reflecting the culture and values of each society.

Some proverbs are universal as they reflect common human experiences, but others are specific to a particular culture

Persian is rich with those wise sayings that help you understand life and make decisions, and Iranians frequently use them.

Here is a list of some popular Persian proverbs:

1 - ز گهواره تا گور دانش بجوی

ze gahvare ta gourr danesh bejouy

Back-translation: Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.


2-  آب رفته به جوى باز نمى گردد

ab rafteh be joi baz nemi gardad.

Back-translation: The water that flowed into the ditch will not return.

 “What is done cannot be undone.”


3- خواستن توانستن است

khastan tavanestan ast

Back-translation: If you want, you can.

“Where there's a will there's a way.”


4- هرکه بامش بیش، برفش بیشتر

har ke bamesh bish, barfash bishtar

Back-translation: Whoever has a bigger roof, has more snow.

Whoever has a higher position, has more troubles.


5- دیوار موش داره، موش هم گوش داره

divar mush dare, mush ham goush dare

Back-translation: Walls have mice, and the mice have ears.

“Walls have ears.”


6از اون نترس که های و هو داره؛ از اون بترس که سر به تو داره

az un natars ke hay o ho dare, az un betars ke sar be tou dare

Back-translation: Fear not he who makes a lot of fuss; fear he who keeps to himself.

"Quiet people are more dangerous"

7- ماهی را هروقت از آب بگیری تازه است

mahi ra har vaqt az ab begiri taze ast

Back-translation: Whenever you catch the fish it is fresh.

“Never late to start over.”


8- هیچ ارزانی بی علّت نیست

hich arzani bi elat nist

Back-translation: Nothing is cheap for no reason.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch."


9-  در نومیدی بسی امید است پایان شب سیه سپید است

dar nomidi basi omid ast payan-e shab-e siyah sepid ast

Back-translation: There is much hope in hopelessness, for at the end of the dark night, there is light.

“The darkest hour is just before the dawn.”


10- كس نخارد پشت من جز ناخن انگشت من

kas nakharad posht man joz nakhone angoshte man

Back translation: No one scratches my back, but my fingernail.

‘’You want a thing done well, do it yourself.”


11- جواب ابلهان خاموشیست

javab ablahan khamoushiest

"Silence is the reply to a fool."


12- هرکه ترسید مرد، هركه نترسید برد

har ke tarsid mord, har ke natarsid bord

Back translation: Whoever was afraid died, whoever was not afraid won.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”


13- آدم عجول كار را دوباره میكنه

adam ajoul kar ra dobareh mikone

Back translation: A person in a hurry will do the work again.

"Haste makes waste"

14 گل و خار همیشه با هم است

gol va khar hamishe ba ham ast

Back translation: Flowers and thorns are always together.

“No rose without a thorn.”

