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Oldenburg fest nominates ‘Untimely’

Iranian feature ‘Untimely’ has been nominated for the Best Film Award at the 27th Oldenburg Film Festival in Germany.

‘Untimely’ will compete with films from the US, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Mexico, and Argentina for the award.

Directed by Pouya Eshtehardi, the film tells the story of Hamin, a young private, who is serving his military service on the border of Iran and Pakistan.

Hamin took a day off to attend his sister’s wedding, but his vacation was canceled after he was caught smoking cigarette.

While standing guard on the watchtower, he reviewed the past years and the things that happened to him and his sister since their childhood.

Iman Afshar, Shayan Afshar, Ayoub Afshar, Mahsa Narouei, Awa Azarpira, and Mousa Afshar have appeared in the film along with a number of artists from the Iranian city of Chabahar.

Labeled ‘the European Sundance’ by Hollywood Reporter, the Oldenburg gala is one of the most influential film festivals in the world.

The festival aims to promote innovative and independent filmmaking.

The event supports independent filmmakers with diverse voices.

This edition of the event is slated for September 16-20, 2020.

Read more:

Italian festival to present ‘Untimely’

Orlando Int’l Film Festival to screen ‘Untimely’

Indy Film Fest to host ‘Untimely’

