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فارسی عربي


Cinema Verite calls for entries

The 14th edition of the Cinema Verite, Iran's major documentary film festival, has called for entries.

The Cinema Verite calls for short (up to 40 minutes), mid-length (40-70 minutes) and feature-length (more than 70 minutes) documentaries to take part at the festival’s various programs.

Producers and documentary makers can visit for further information.

Due to a sharp rise in Iran’s coronavirus cases over the past months, the organizers of the event decided to hold the festival online.

Organized by the Documentary and Experimental Film Centre (DEFC), the Cinema Verite is one of the most notable festivals in Iran that has both international and national sections.

The festival showcases the best documentaries in an attempt to bridge the gap between reality and truth.

Some of the festival’s sections are National Competition, International Section (non-competitive), Martyr Avini Award, Entrepreneurship Documentaries Award, COVID-19 Section, and professional Workshops.

Organized by the DEFC, the first edition of the Cinema Verite was held in 2007.

Over the past decade, it has emerged as one of the important events on Iran's documentary calendar.

The 14th Cinema Verite will be held online in December 2020.

Read more:

Cinema Verite to go online over coronavirus spike

