Directed by Abtin Salimi-Tari and written by Iman Afsharian, the short film narrates the story of a girl named Reyhaneh whose grandmother, Aziz, is in the deathbed.
When Reyhaneh, whose grandmother is her only friend, becomes distressed, Rahman, her father, decides to transfer Aziz to a health clinic in another village.
The cast of the film includes Fatemeh Heidari, Aqdas Mazaherzadeh, Iman Afsharian, Hamed Abrishami, and Mohammad-Reza Aletaha.
The BFA aims to host film professionals and enthusiasts and creates a space to promote creativity.
Both amateur and experienced filmmakers can connect and share their experience and art.
The upcoming edition of the festival will be held on September 19, 2020.