فارسی عربي


Majid Salehi diagnosed with COVID-19

Iranian actor Majid Salehi has tested positive for COVID-19, becoming the latest star to be infected with coronavirus.

Salehi announced that he was diagnosed with coronavirus in a statement on Instagram on Thursday.

He noted that his case is “mild”.

Salehi further said the result of his COVID-19 test made him think “how death is close”.

Addressing his followers, Salehi took that opportunity “to apologize, ask for forgiveness and say I love you so much”.

Besides being an actor, Majid Salehi is also a director, screenwriter and producer.

He made his film debut with 'Eye of the Devil' in 1993.

Salehi has also appeared in several TV series, including 'Sweet and Sour', 'The Colonel's Garden', and 'Madineh', which were aired on ifilm English TV channel.

'Souvenir from Abroad', 'Combo Pizza', and 'Absolute Rest' are also among his movies.

