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فارسی عربي


Father orders daughter to kill herself

On an Iranian TV show, a lady reveals her grueling experience at the time of Daesh’s territorial expansion in Iraq and Syria.

Apparently, she went through hell when her father brought some bullets home, asking his family members to kill themselves upon his martyrdom in fighting with Daesh terrorists.  

Here is the full story:

I was so worried as [Daesh] terrorists might get in. I was wondering what they wanted to do, if they ever entered our house.

This is quite a challenge for every man, especially when you see a father bringing home a gun with some bullets

Telling his family to kill themselves if he was not around.  

The number of bullets was the same as the number of us

My father also asked, “Who is ready to kill the rest before taking his/her life?”

That was so shocking at that time, but now it is a normal thing when we’re talking about it.

That moment I said, “I cannot do it, I want to be the first one to be killed.”

This is bitter of a memory when a father is forced to say such thing to his family.

After reading the full story, you can watch a shocking reunion in the video attached that comes in as a page-turner. 

