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Iran short to go to Serbia

The 8th edition of the Mister Vorky film festival in Serbia is set to host Iranian short flick ‘Leo’.

Written and directed by Moeen Rouholamini, the 5-minute flick will be screened at the competition section of the Serbian fest that is dedicated to one-minute and short films.

Although no details on the film’s plot summary has been released to the media yet, the film’s teaser shows it is about children and war, like the director’s previous work ‘The City of Honey’.

‘The City of Honey’ was Rouholamini’s debut film; however, it could bring him to fame as it was screened at various global events and won some awards, including the Fice Jury Special Mention and Platea Diffusa award at the Italian del Cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli Festival.

‘Leo’ has also been touring international events. It won the Jury award at the just a minute festival in the US.

The Mister Vorky film festival organized by Independent Film Center Vorky Team from Ruma is slated for June 9-13, 2021.

