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Russian tourist fascinated by Iran

A Russian tourist has said she encountered a rich culture throughout her journey to the Islamic Republic.

Lidia made the remarks during her visit to an exhibition of Iranian artworks held at the East Nations Art Museum in Moscow.

“Everywhere in Iran, we encountered rich culture and enjoyed it,” Lidia said in an interview with Iran-based IRNA news agency, noting that seeing how the Iranians are trying to protect the rich culture is very pleasant.

She changed her viewpoint on Iran after visiting this country and understanding the culture and beauties of the nation, the news agency reported. 

The Russian culture-loving woman told that she visited Iran accompanied by her husband Yougni and that they were “thrilled by the magnificence of the country.”

They arrived in Tehran first and then continued their trip to Shiraz, Isfahan, and Yazd, where they could experience tourist attractions in these cities.

Answering a question on her view before visiting Iran, she said that they thought there are some cultural attractions in the country, but they did not think to see numerous fascinating places around the ancient land.

“Given negative propaganda against Iran, we did not think that we will see so many beauties,” she said.

"When we arrived in Iran all interpretations changed and we saw how high-level is the culture of the country and how good the people are," she said, adding, "The Iranian foods were very delicious and Iran is in fact a museum under the open sky."

The exhibition, displaying 300 artworks dating back to the Qajar era, will be running through July 25 at the East Nations Art Museum in Moscow.

