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فارسی عربي


Get to know cultural landscape of Maymand

Iran has many properties inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list, one of which is the cultural landscape of Maymand.

Maymand is a village in the Iranian province of Kerman that is located at the end of a valley at the southern edge of Iran’s central mountains.

The residents of the area are semi-nomadic agro-pastoralists who raise animals on mountains in spring and autumn.

During the winter, they move to the caves that are lower down the valley and are in the heart of rocks.

According to the official website of the UNESCO, “During the year, farmers move with their animals to defined settlements, traditionally four, and more recently three, that include fortified cave dwellings for the winter months. In three of these settlements the houses are temporary, while in the fourth, the troglodytic houses are permanent.”

Have a glimpse at some of the amazing landscapes of the area.

