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Iranian ‘Immigrant’ to head to Armenia

The One Shot International Short Film Festival in Armenia has been scheduled to screen Iranian short flick ‘Immigrant’.

Written and directed by Marzieh Mandegari, the short flick is about human rights, with the aim of promoting peace and friendship and the denial of racism.

According to its website, “One Shot promotes independent film production in Armenia. Submitted films have no limitations in shooting format. Films can be shot on cell phones, film and HD cameras. Competition has three categories: One Minute - One Shot, Short Movies and Cinema Without Border. There are special programs and panel discussions too.

One Shot International Short Film Festival is an open cinema platform. It was founded in 2003. Founder president is Gagik Ghazareh. Symbol of the festival represents the three-dimensional statue of ancient rock carving from Geghama mountain which is 5000 years old.”

The 19th edition of the Armenian event will be held on September 4-11, 2021.

