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فارسی عربي


Iran’s ancient Zahhak Castle in photos

Get a virtual tour of Iran’s ancient Zahhak Castle in East Azarbaijan Province.

Most of the castles in the mountainous areas were constructed to have military and security functions. Being erected on a mountainous place, Zahhak Castle seems to have been a military bastion.

The castle has its name from an epic character in Shahnameh (Book of Kings by Ferdowsi-an Iranian poet), Zahhak. The character was said to have been haunted by the devil; so he had two snakes over his shoulders. To sooth the snakes, Zahhak had to feed them with the brain of young men.

The castle has an indefinite history as no historians have reached a consensus over the exact period of the time it was built. However, it is clear that the only remnants of the castle are its bastions that belong to the era of Parthian Empire.

The building stands on a land of ten kilometers length and two kilometers width in Hashtroud city of East Azarbaijan Province.

