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فارسی عربي


Canadian fest to host 'The Endless'

Iranian short flick 'The Endless' has been selected to compete at the 2021 edition of the International Human-Environment Care Film Festival (HECare) in Canada.

This is the first international presence of the short film.

Directed by Alireza Alimehr, 'The Endless' tells the story of a homeless father and his son. The two of them go around the city and collect scrap to make money and buy drugs for the addicted father.

To make money, they go through various challenges and have to tolerate people who don't treat them well.

Once, the father who has hallucinations due to using drugs leaves his son alone in a desert.

The HECare film festival is annualy held to help filmmakers to be seen and meet the film industry's professionals.

"In our belief nature is the mother of life, and its importance is undeniable.We wish to watch more films about commemorating the value of the environment and nature," an extract from the official website of the festival reads.

The upcoming edition of the HECare will be held on September 22-26, 2021.

