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فارسی عربي


Iran’s ‘Killing’ to participate at RNAB

Iranian short film ‘Killing’ has been set to participate at the RNAB Festival in Brazil.

The Iranian youth Cinema Society reported that ‘Killing’ by Hossein Roudbari will be screened at 13th edition of the Brazilian event.

The flick narrates the story of Amir, who has had a bad day. A nightmare unfolds before his eyes and his life changes forever, a synopsis for the film reads.

The film is starring Ali Roudbari.

Earlier reports said that ‘Old Man’s Heavy Sleep’, written and directed by Mostafa Rostampour, will also be screened at the Brazilian festival.

The 13th edition of the RNAB Festival will kick off on March 25 and run until March 31.

