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فارسی عربي


Brazil to host ‘Hands Smelled Like Dolls’

Iranian short flick ‘Hands Smelled Like Dolls’ has been selected to compete at the 2022 edition of the RNAB Festival (Revealing New Brazilian Actors) in Brazil.

Directed and written by Ghazal Hosseini, the short flick is scheduled to vie at Drama Films section of the 13th edition of the RNAB.

‘Hands Smelled Like Dolls’ narrates the story of a little girl who is playing with her dolls unaware of the fact that her childhood will be over soon.

The cast list of the film includes Alireza Hanifi, Maryam Babaee, Yalda Nasiri, and Hossein Soleimani.

The Brazilian festival screens films from around the world and aims to provide talented female filmmakers with the opportunity to showcase their works.

The 2022 edition of the RNAB is scheduled for March 25-31.

